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Showing posts from April, 2015

Baby Bane

The Lodger entered the latest phase of his war on PWS recently. The dreaded CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine. A breathing mask that supplies a constant and steady air pressure into his airways through the night to counteract the sleep apno ea.  Just at the same time he learnt his new favourite word...No.  No No No No No No No No. Everything is No. Well not everything, dinner is becoming increasingly Yes but that's another story. But generally The Lodger loves using the word No. And we don't mind because it's all friendly family banter. If we followed his replies we'd never go anywhere, we'd never come home from where we didn't go, he'd never sleep, never play, never sit, never stand, never do anything. Just No. In fact he can be very stubborn on the fact that he definitely doesn't want to do either of two very opposite things. But I haven't explained to him the error of his ways there yet. Sometimes he says No to the thing...

Thank you Walter!

"If you get in your buggy, you can have a bar!" said a Mum to her little girl. I overheard this on our walk down to the village today.  I can't remember who advised us or maybe we read it somewhere in the early days but since The Lodger has been born, we have never used food as blackmail. It's something I would've been guilty of, as a way to pacify my lovely niece before The Lodger arrived. I wouldn't even have thought twice about it pre Lodger. It's natural. It's something people do everyday. Food is used as reward and punishment. 'No treats for you if you're bold', 'Be good and you can have something nice'! Food is motivating. It's not just children, it's Adults too!   'If I eat healthy Monday to Friday, I can allow myself a treat at the weekend.', I've been so good lately, I can have a slice of cake.' It's getting harder now. The Lodger is becoming a lot more food aware. It could ...