The title is the phone call I got from my wife one evening recently and it turns out I was really happy. And so was she. I should explain. The Lodger has not been the Lodger of late. His behaviours have changed, all for the worse. Lack of focus. Agitated. Oppositional. Aggressive. Anxious. Food-seeking. ..... Along with 50 million extra questions on top of the original 50 million questions, we can just about deal with. Which in turn resulted in what we call "Normal Meltdowns" and "More than Average Meltdowns" and then there are the ABSOLUTE VOLCANIC ERUPTION EPIC PROPORTION MELTDOWNS. The meltdowns that make normal meltdowns almost funny. The meltdowns were people around stop smiling and feeling sorry for you and actually disappear. This all started just after the Lodgers midterm at the start of May. Firstly the school tour stress started as the Lodger didn't know/wasn't told that he would get his lunch on the tour. No amount of seeing ani...
Our life with our son The Lodger, who just happens to have Prader-Willi Syndrome