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Showing posts from 2020

The Literal World of The Lodger

The Lodger loves designing and gifting cards.  "Mum, I made a card for Z today!" "Fantastic. What did she say?" "She said you made my day and in my head I thought, that's a phrase because you can't make a day!" The Lodger is 8 During the summer,  The Lodger turned 8. I know, 8, can you believe it.  We put a call out for birthday cards and he had a fantastic time gathering them in the birthday treasure hunt.  One by one they were opened and he quizzed us on who everyone was.  "Mum, who's this person?" "O remember, the last PWSAI family weekend and at our table there was...."  "The last family weekend" said The Lodger The Lodgers face fell. I continued to explain "Yes, the last family weekend..." "Mum, why would you tell me this on my birthday! I can't believe it, the last family weekend" As I continued to explain and he was getting further and further upset, Rory was trying to explain to me. ...