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Showing posts from March, 2025

The Calm Before the Big News: A Quiet Moment, A Bright Future

When things are quiet, we don't tend to write. There's the odd update on The Lodger and Us instagram but there hasn't been a blog post in a long while. I'm happy to report that things are quiet at the moment. Quiet means all is calm and well in the world of The Lodger. When we're in this moment, I'm always half on edge waiting for a curveball but in our almost 13 years of the PWS world, you in a way get used to the quiet times, while waiting for that  inevitable PWS unexpected but expected twist.  The Lodger is watching his Friday movie, had the best yoghurt he has ever tasted (Plain and Greek if you were wondering, and yes he has had it many times before) and is looking forward to the weekend of not a lot planned.  When I say all is quiet, it's our quiet, our unique normality of quiet that unless you're in the PWS world you probably wouldn't describe as quiet.  Our kitchen remains locked. Our routine is our routine. Food happens at food o'clock....