It's been quiet in the world of The Lodger of late and by quiet I mean so freaking busy there's no time to write about the trials and tribulations of Prader-Willi Syndrome. I guess it's also easier to write when times are good and when there's time for celebration but I guess if we're to be honest about Prader-Willi Syndrome recently there’s been a few more bad days. If it's not another disappointing hospital trip where your answers still can't be answered because let's face it they don't know all the answers, it's another hoop to jump through trying to get The Lodger better services in pre school and trying to plan for primary school next year. And then there's The Lodgers ongoing development and attempts to understand the world around him. The Lodger is four and the behavioural challenges of PWS are showing through. Possibly due to lack of understanding and still some difficulty with communication the Lodger is testing...
Our life with our son The Lodger, who just happens to have Prader-Willi Syndrome