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Showing posts from February, 2018

Ugh Pancake Tuesday!

The Lodger makes me laugh, most days.  He has a really funny view of the world and an amazing way of just getting on with things.  Yesterday he came out school telling me it’s Pancake Tuesday tomorrow in an excited how brilliant sort of way.  He then stopped and said “What is Pancake Tuesday?” A quick explanation and a reassurance that he will have a pancake for his special tummy and all was good.... well when I say good, I mean content but with a 1000 question follow up, repeatedly, throughout the afternoon and evening...... and the following morning.... but that's just how it is with The Lodger.  "Mum will I have a pancake?" "Yum, I love pancakes!" "Mum , I'm going to love my pancake!" "Mum, does everyone know it's pancake Tuesday tomorrow?" "Mum, can you make pancakes?" "Mum, will you make the pancake after school tomorrow?" "Mum, pancakes are great." "Mum, when is P...