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Showing posts from April, 2018

Look how far YOU have come!

Sometimes we are all a little bit too Irish. We just can't take a compliment. We look at our feet, shuffle uncomfortably hoping that the nice person would just go away and leave us to our lives. It's so Irish. Recently the Lodger visited a neighbour with his grandmother (the Dodo - old extinct bird, her joke, not mine) and he had a great time.  The Lodger having a go on the neighbours tractor! Later that evening my wife received a text from that neighbour saying how she had the pleasure of entertaining the Lodger and that he was a breath of fresh air. So far nothing new to me, the Lodger is pretty amazing. The next bit is the bit that caught my attention: 'While I appreciate there are many difficult times he really is a credit to his Mum and Dad.' Firstly I read it and thought that's nice but I'm Irish so I don't really know how to take compliments but when I thought about it I realised that the Lodger is great because of us...

Planting the Thought Seed!

A few years ago we went to a Living Better with PWS workshop. I still take out my covered in scribbled notes guide from the workshop as it is full of hints, advice and information from other parents of kids with PWS. Our mentors! There is nobody who understands PWS better than other parents. Granted, their child might have different symptoms or the same symptoms with varying degrees of severity, different strategies for dealing with the array of challenges but from each parent I have met, I have gained knowledge. (Thank you!) As the Lodger has gotten older and new challenges arrive, the guide has proven invaluable. My old reliable car has proven not so reliable and has reached the end of it's days. Not bad for '98 vehicle. This, for The Lodger, could have been traumatic, except for the fact I had planted the seed a few months ago. We were driving home one day and we got on to the subject of old things and how sometimes we need to replace ...