2563 days, give or take a leap year, is the amount of days since The Lodger was diagnosed with Prader Willi Syndrome. It's been quiet on our blog (apologies) but it has definitely not been quiet in our lives. Update the blog has been on the to do list since May but sometimes things get in the way and sitting down to write a blog post does happen but it just doesn't get finished but we're back now! The Lodger at his 7th Birthday party The Lodger recently turned seven years old. I can't believe it either. I always find during this time of year that I look back to those first couple of weeks of The Lodger and compare him to where he is now. Just the other day, he told me he was bored playing, the joys of summer holidays, so I asked him did he want a job. 'Yes I do' he replied. 'Ok, how about hoovering the house?' I asked him, fully expecting to hear a negative response but much to my surprise he said yes. Did I ever think that tiny baby...
Our life with our son The Lodger, who just happens to have Prader-Willi Syndrome