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Showing posts from September, 2024

To lock or not to lock, that is not the question anymore.

It’s approximately 4421days since we got The Lodgers diagnosis of Prader Willi Syndrome.   To save you doing the maths: twelve years and almost 2 months ago.  We’ve learned a lot in those twelve years- strategies to help distract him from food, tools to help transition from task to task, methods to help him calm down, strategies to keep us all going day to day….  We’ve met many experts in the field of PWS- from doctors, nurses, psychologists, researchers and a range of therapists from speech and language to occupational and physios.  We talk with many  PWS families- both with children older and younger than our boy, The Lodger.  I’ve often been asked if we lock our kitchen. Up until yesterday the answer was ‘not yet.’  Today I sat with him as I was helping him put on his socks. It’s still a tricky thing for him to do- even with all the helpful tips from occupational therapists over the years. Somedays he’ll do it easily, other days he needs help. Today was a helping day.