"Gabh mo leithsc é al... Gabh mo leithsc é al.... Gabh mo leithsc é al....." I drove along perplexed. 99.9% of the time I understand The Lodger but there's always that 0.1% that will leave me completely at a loss. I'll ask him questions to see if I can figure it out and most of the time it works but not this time. Due to PWS, The Lodger's speech is delayed. He can say all the words in the world now but he misses the last syllable of most words and some sounds are still difficult for him but he's working on it. This means that to the untrained and unfocused ear, some words sound alike. Just the other day he announced at breakfast "Mum, I'll help you" and I said, "Fantastic, superstar!" . His father and Auntie looked on aghast until they realised he said help, not hate! And just like everything in the world of The Lodger, practise and patience will get him there. However this particular time, on the drive in ...
Our life with our son The Lodger, who just happens to have Prader-Willi Syndrome