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Hopefully is our word of the moment.
Every time we plan something, I follow it up with 'but plans can change, hopefully, it will be plan A but sometimes we have to move to a different plan'. 
It's become so ingrained in our everyday life now that I don't really even take notice. 

The Lodger for his first five years had a very convenient bus/train network at our old house. Granted, things could run late but they were plentiful and always had space for everyone.

Last weekend, the Sunday plan was to get the Galway bus into Galway city to meet Dad after work. 

Hopefully, the bus will come. 
Hopefully, there'll be space for us on the bus.
Mum and Dad have a plan B, incase. 
Hopefully, the bus will come. 
Mum, why are we saying hopefully?
Ok Mum, hopefully. 

As I stood with The Lodger, at the spot where I thought the bus would stop but couldn't fully confirm it with The Lodger who expected a bus stop sign, I had an inkling of what it was like to live as The Lodger does. 

I had our plan B, a walk home passed the field with seven donkeys, but like any child, The Lodger would be upset with having to change it but maybe unlike a typical child, the upset of change lingers for The Lodger. I waited, answered his questions, tried to change the subject from the bus to other exciting things and as the minutes ticked forward towards the bus time, I thought to myself it's a good thing he can't tell the time yet.... 2 minutes late, 3 minutes.... but by some stroke of good luck, the bus then appeared over the hill, stopped and had space for us. 

It's always a good sign of a fun day when food doesn't feature in The Lodgers top 5.
1. The Bus, 2. The Big Wheel, 3. The Merry go round, 4. The River,  and 5. Home for Doctor Who. Obviously, food made it to number 6 but still a win over PWS right there. 

This morning was Monday. As part of Science Week, the Science Lego people were coming into school to do a workshop. 

Where is the van?
The van isn’t here
I know why the big gate is open, it’s for the van
The science people will come and drive in and bring the Lego in
I wonder where there are?
Mum when will they be here?
Will my helper know?
Ok Mum, hopefully it’s today.
I know it’s today. 
Today is Monday. It’s on today. 
Mum it’s not a hopefully
Mum it’s on today.

He walked over to his line, with his hands behind his back giving me a thumbs up. This is a new milestone for The Lodger. Our goal is for him to walk up to his line by himself, so I've been inching further and further back at drop off in the morning. 

'Walk slowly, use your eyes and have a good Monday.'
'Mum, it's not Monday, it's Science lego day..... and not hopefully!'


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